Blitz (314/640)

From:Mikkel L�kke
Date:6 Sep 99 at 19:28:08
Subject:Re: NTSC

At 09:22 06-09-99 -0500, you wrote:

>> Yep, I think so. You sometimes need to adjust the vertical sync of the TV
>> (if its got one that is, like my old 14") or if you've got a flashy TV
>> that does NTSC automatically, you're sorted.

>Ah, I see. The problem with a NTSC TV is that it can't display more lines,
>so forcing the system into PAL doesn't help - even if you can correct the
>"rolling" of the screen with the vertical synch, you still can't see the
>bottom of the display.

Isn't there a colour (or color, in NTSC :o>) issue aswell ? I have an NTSC
Dreamcast, and while it works just dandy on my Super DeLuxe, outrageously
expensive PAL/NTSC/SECAM/Anything TV, I know some people who have borrowed
it (the DreamCast, not the TV) have complained that all the games where

>And no TV's sold here (USA) are capable of PAL modes, since nothing is
>broadcast in PAL on this side of the world...

Which makes sense in a strange way. I think mine only does NTSC/SECAM
because it's cheaper to just build one TV and then let the TV figure out
how to display whatever signal it gets.

>The only solution here is to use a multi-synch monitor.

Which ofcourse may or may not display 15Khz modes, natch. :o>


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